Blogs > Migrating the Dispatcher Configuration from AMS to AEM as a Cloud Service


Migrating the Dispatcher Configuration from AMS to AEM as a Cloud Service

Infodales Tech Solutions | August 31, 2024


Migrating an AEM AMS (Adobe Managed Services) Dispatcher to AEM as a Cloud Service involves using Adobe I/O CLI (aio CLI) tools to manage and deploy the dispatcher configurations. This process requires careful planning and adherence to Adobe’s best practices for AEM as a Cloud Service. In this blog, we’ll walk through the step-by-step process of converting AMS Dispatcher configurations and making the necessary updates to the converted Dispatcher files.

Step 1: Install Node.js

Ensure that Node.js is installed on your system. If it isn’t, download and install the latest version from the following link: https://node

Step 2: Install the Adobe I/O CLI Tool

Open the command prompt and run the following command to install the Adobe I/O CLI:

npm install -g @adobe/aio-cli

Step 3: Install AEM Cloud Service Migration Plugins

Install the necessary AEM Cloud Service migration plugins by running the following command

aio plugins:install @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-AEM-cloud-service-migration

Step 4: Verify the Installation

To verify that the CLI tools are installed correctly, run the following command:

aio AEM-migration --help 

This command will display the list of available tools.


Step 5: Configure the Migration Tool

Navigate to the configuration file located at:

C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\@adobe\aio-cli\AEM-migration-config.yaml Update the file with the paths to your AEM-sdk-dispatcher source and ams-dispatcher source, then save the changes.


Step 6: Run the Dispatcher Converter

Once everything is set up, execute the dispatcher conversion command:

aio AEM-migration:dispatcher-converter -t=ams

After conversion its looks like this


After the conversion, navigate to the target folder. You will find a newly converted dispatcher folder. Replace its src folder with the AEM-sdk-dispatcher source files.

Note :

If you encounter any errors during the process, check the logs in the following file for details:

                            ├── conf.d
                            │   ├── available_vhosts
                            │   │   └── default.vhost
                            │   ├── dispatcher_vhost.conf
                            │   ├── enabled_vhosts
                            │   │   ├── README
                            │   │   └── default.vhost -> ../available_vhosts/default.vhost
                            │   └── rewrites
                            │   │   ├── default_rewrite.rules
                            │   │   └── rewrite.rules
                            │   └── variables
                            |       ├── custom.vars
                            │       └── global.vars
                            └── conf.dispatcher.d
                                ├── available_farms
                                │   └──
                                ├── cache
                                │   ├── default_invalidate.any
                                │   ├── default_rules.any
                                │   ├── marketing_query_parameters.any
                                │   └── rules.any
                                ├── clientheaders
                                │   ├── clientheaders.any
                                │   └── default_clientheaders.any
                                ├── dispatcher.any
                                ├── enabled_farms
                                │   ├── README
                                │   └── -> ../available_farms/
                                ├── filters
                                │   ├── default_filters.any
                                │   └── filters.any
                                ├── renders
                                │   └── default_renders.any
                                └── virtualhosts
                                    ├── default_virtualhosts.any
                                    └── virtualhosts.any

Your Dispatcher file structure should look like this

After the conversion make some changes in dispatcher

Delete Virtual Host Files

  • Navigate to conf.d/enabled_vhosts. Delete any virtual host files whose names contain author or flush.

  • Remove all virtual host files in conf.d/available_vhosts that are not linked.

Remove or Comment Unnecessary vHosts

  • Remove or comment out virtual host files that do not reference port 80.

Check Rewrites

  • Go to the conf.d/rewrites directory.

  • Delete files like base_rewrite.rules. Also, remove any Include statements in the virtual host files referencing these files.

  • If only one file remains in the folder, rename it to rewrite.rules and update the Include statements in the virtual host files accordingly.

  • If there are multiple virtual host-specific files, merge their contents into the corresponding Include statements in the relevant virtual host files.

Check Variables

  • Navigate to the conf.d/variables directory.

  • Delete the ams_default.vars file and remove any Include statements in virtual host files referencing it.

  • If only one file remains, rename it to custom.vars and update all Include statements in the virtual host files to reflect this new name.

  • If multiple files remain, copy their contents into the corresponding Include statements in the relevant virtual host files.

Remove Allowlists

  • Delete the conf.d/whitelists folder.

  • Remove any Include statements in virtual host files referencing files in this folder.


  • Remove references to the following variables: DISP_ID, PUBLISH_FORCE_SSL, PUBLISH_WHITELIST_ENABLED.

Check Cache

  • Navigate to conf.dispatcher.d/cache.

  • Delete files prefixed with ams_.

  • If the folder is empty, copy the rules.any file from the standard Dispatcher configuration (found in the SDK src folder) into this folder and update the $include statements referencing the ams_*_cache.any files.

  • If only one file remains with a _cache.any suffix, rename it to rules.any and update the $include statements in the farm files.

  • If multiple farm-specific cache files remain, merge their contents into the corresponding $include statements in the farm files.

  • Delete files with the suffix _invalidate_allowed.any.

  • Copy default_invalidate.any from the standard Dispatcher configuration into this folder and update the cache/allowedClients section in the farm files.

Check Client Headers

  • Navigate to conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders.

  • Delete files prefixed with ams_.

  • If only one file remains with a _clientheaders.any suffix, rename it to clientheaders.any and update the $include statements in the farm files.

  • If only one file remains with a _cache.any suffix, rename it to rules.any and update the $include statements in the farm files.

  • If multiple files remain, merge their contents into the corresponding $include statements in the farm files.

  • Copy default_clientheaders.any from the standard Dispatcher configuration into this folder and replace outdated $include statements in the farm files with:

        $include "/etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/ams_publish_clientheaders.any"
        $include "/etc/httpd/conf.dispatcher.d/clientheaders/ams_common_clientheaders.any"
        $include "../clientheaders/default_clientheaders.any"

Check Filters

  • Navigate to conf.dispatcher.d/filters.

  • Delete files prefixed with ams_.

  • If only one file remains, rename it to filters.any and update the $include statements in the farm files.

  • If multiple files remain, merge their contents into the corresponding $include statements in the farm files.

  • Copy default_filters.any from the standard Dispatcher configuration and update outdated $include statements in the farm files with:

  •   $include "../filters/default_filters.any"

Check Renders

  • Navigate to conf.dispatcher.d/renders.

  • Delete all files in this folder.

  • Copy default_renders.any from the standard Dispatcher configuration into this folder.

  • Update the renders section in each farm file with:

  • $include "../renders/default_renders.any"

Check Virtual Hosts

  • Rename the directory conf.dispatcher.d/vhosts to conf.dispatcher.d/virtualhosts and navigate to it.

  • Delete files prefixed with ams_.

  • If only one file remains, rename it to virtualhosts.any and update the $include statements in the farm files.

  • If multiple files remain, merge their contents into the corresponding $include statements in the farm files.

  • Copy default_virtualhosts.any from the standard Dispatcher configuration and update outdated $include statements in the farm files with:

  • $include "../virtualhosts/default_virtualhosts.any"

Include Custom Variables

  • In the conf.d/variables/custom.vars file, ensure it is included in each virtual host file. This file contains custom domain names.

Validate the Dispatcher

  • Navigate to the Dispatcher folder.

  • Run the command:

  • bin\validate src
  • Ensure Docker is installed on your system. The output should confirm successful validation.

  • dispatcher-phases-img

Start the Dispatcher:

  • Now start the dispatcher in a docker image with a deployment information make sure you have up the AEM publish instance

  • With your AEM publish server running on windows running on port 4503 you can start the dispatcher by running the command

  • bin\docker_run src host.docker.internal:4503 8080 
  • After running it looks like :

  • starting-dispatcher

Yash Sakharkar | AEM Developer
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